Dual Cubes The Items The Update(V0.1.33)

Its been 3 days since last update and heres what ive done! Ive scratched my head for way too long so i did some things and this is what we got now :) Heres the deets

Tried out navmeshes for the first time and its incredible 

It makes the enemies have proper path finding however it doesnt fully work at the moment with my generating dungeon. While it works amazing in the main world. So i need to update unity for it to work i think.

messed around with the navmesh generation after i updated unity and it worked better but still froze unity in my main scene aswell as not generating jumps in the navmesh whyyyyyyyyyy

Still tried to get navmesh working. And i did get it to work on void start and even the jumps for the navmesh works however since dungeons are generated and in the future i might want moving platforms i wanted to navmesh to update. But that seems to just

lag the game SOO MUCH so i cant do that :( I guess il just have to come up with another way of giving enemies good movement or i just dont make the world complicated but wel see.

Added new weapon

Shatter matter launcher - super rare - Shoots a big homing ball of shatter matter which on contact will begin to implode after a few seconds Tried to implement so each item has a stack limit aswell as a limit on how many of a type of perk you can have

most items wont have any stack limit so they will have stack limit of 9999 however for perks i think it would be better for the games performance if you arent allowed to have 500 multishot perks hegh... 

Fixed the shops so they wont take your money if you already have 5 of a type of buff and instead tells you with text you already have 5 of that buff.

Stack limit on items should work as intended now hopefully.

Added image icons for


Fire in the hole

Mine bender 

Shatter matter launcher


Dual CubesV033.zip 77 MB
29 days ago

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